Mission Partners

We support a number of missionaries around the world as they strive to share the good news about Jesus. Find out more about their work and how you can pray for them.

Pete and Libby Halestrap

Pete and Libby Halestrap work with Africa Inland Mission, an organisation which seeks to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Following eleven years working in Kijabe Hospital, Kenya, they are now using their experience and expertise to support this vision from the UK. Libby is developing a role in TCK (Third Culture Kid) care, supporting children and young people as they navigate cross-cultural living. Pete works as part of a team from Kijabe Hospital creating online medical education resources, seeking to equip clinicians to provide high quality, evidence-based care. 

Matt and Rahel Malone

Matt and Rahel Malone, along with their daughter Amelia are missionaries in Milan, Italy, where they have been since September 2022. They have a long term goal of opening a discipleship/bible school for young people so that the youth can be prepared to serve actively in ministry and help the Italian evangelical church to grow. Their current focus is on getting to know the culture of both the country and the local church, and to achieve that goal they are currently serving in a wide variety of different ministries including social work, digital media, preaching and hospitality as well as studying theology. They attend and serve at the church "Stadera" in the south of Milan and are working in partnership with the UCBC (Unione Chiese Bibliche Cristiane - Union of Christian Bible Churches).

Cliff and Ali Reynolds

Cliff and Ali are partnering with North Swindon Baptist Church to help plant Pathway Church in the village of Purton. Cliff serves as an elder and Ali is heavily involved in the ministries of the church. They seek to build relationships with people in their community to share the good news of Jesus. They have been involved in children's and youth ministry, ministry in public schools, community outreach, and ministry through sports. They desire to see healthy churches established in the UK.

Vrsac Baptist Church

Supporting our brothers and sisters in Serbia as they seek to bring the love of Jesus to all.


A Chaplain based in the Ukraine supporting those affected by the war

El Shaddi

Supporting the work of El Shaddai India, who act as a link between those in the UK, who wish to help relieve poverty in India, to the charity and beneficiaries in India.

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A Charity based in Luton supporting those who are caught in sexual exploitation

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Open Doors

Supporting persecuted Christians worldwide 

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Need Project

Fighting rural poverty in Central Bedfordshire

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Daylight Prison Ministry

Daylight is a Christian charity that exists to “glorify God and enjoy Him”* by prayerfully proclaiming the gospel of His grace in every UK prison.

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Four Counties Gospel Partnership

A gospel church in every community in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, and Northamptonshire. Convinced that Christ will build his church.

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies, and fun gifts. 

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