The best way to get to know us is by joining us one Sunday morning. We’d love to meet you.
Church isn’t just for Sundays! There are lots of other ways to engage with us: Bible studies, youth and children’s groups, men’s breakfast, ladies’ days, care & help groups and community events.
There has been an independent church on Kings Road in Flitwick for more than 100 years, actively seeking to share the message of Jesus with our community.
In September 2021, Flitwick Baptist Church became King’s Church Flitwick.
Why? Because we belong to King Jesus, and everything we do is to glorify him and invite others to follow him as King too.
Behind the name, we’re the same group of people, and we’ll be doing many of the same things as before. Most of our groups and events will get back up and running in the next few weeks, once our building renovation is finished.
Everyone’s welcome at King’s – whether you’re an established Christian, new to faith, just exploring, or even an atheist. The best way to find out what we’re like is to visit us one Sunday, but hopefully the information here will give you a taste of what to expect.
We gather on Sundays to worship God in a contemporary way that glorifies him and encourages us to live out our faith through the week.
We've got the knowledge you need.
We've got the knowledge you need.
We've got the knowledge you need.
We're not scary...honest! However, we do understand that walking into a church for the first time can be daunting. We hope that the answers to these questions will help put you at ease before visiting us. We look forward to meeting you.
Is there a dress code? No, come as you feel comfortable - we do!
What happens when I arrive? You’ll be greeted by a member of our welcome team who can show you around and help you get connected. There’s always tea and coffee available before the service, so it’s a great chance to get to know somebody.
Will I be forced to do anything during the service? We'd love for you to take part, but if you would rather just sit and listen then that's fine too. You certainly won't be forced to say anything out loud!
If I want to take part, how will I know what to do? All our songs and Bible readings are projected onto large screens, and the leaders at the front tell us when we’re going to sing, or pray etc.
What if my children are noisy? That would bother you more than us. We have plenty of children in our services and they’re encouraged to take part in the first part of the morning service. After that, there is a creche and Sunday School so you don't have to worry about them.
Is there an offering?
No, we don’t have a public offering or collection during the service. We are always glad when people want to give money to support the church’s ministry, and the
Giving Page tells you the various ways you can do this.
It's all about one life, the life of Jesus, and it can be summed up in the answers to three questions.
Jesus once asked his followers this question:
Jesus claimed to be each of these, but most importantly, he claimed to be God in the flesh. At the dawn of time he ignited human history when he spoke. He breathed life into the lungs of the first man and woman - and every inch of creation itself.
But we rebelled. We turned against our King and followed our own ways, even though it would cost us our life. Our sin poisoned his perfect creation, giving way to sickness, injustice, and death.
Sin separated us from one another, and from God.
But rather than cast off humanity, God sent his Son Jesus to enter into the world he created - the one broken by our sin. He breathed our air, became human like us. He lived a perfect life - the one God intended us to live - and called us to repent of our sin and follow him in faith.
Some believed his word and recognised him as King. Others denied him. They crowned him with thorns and murdered him. They rejected him, and so have we.
But God had a plan. Jesus willingly gave himself up to die on a cross to save us from God's judgment and the death we deserve.
On that cross, he exchanged our rebellion for his obedience, our brokenness for his perfection.
The Son of God died so we could live.
And on the third day he rose to life again, defeating death forever.
And now he sits on the throne of heaven, offering life through the Holy Spirit to all those who repent and trust in him.
Jesus is the King of Kings.
You can either crown him or crucify him. There is no middle ground.
No one will ever ask you a more important question than the one Jesus asked:
Who do you say I am?
We'd love to meet you and hope that you'll join us soon. In the meantime this site should give you a good introduction to our church.